A recent survey commissioned by the American Pet Products Association found that 37% of pet owners take their animals on their trips. Taking your pets on a road trip is a great opportunity to bond with them while also having fun. However, traveling long distances in a car is not easy for all animals.

Experts recommend starting with shorter trips to train your pets to travel in a car. There’s also the concern of entertaining your pet along the trip. Just like kids, your pets may show impatience when it comes to being locked up in a vehicle for hours.

Pet Van Lines has compiled a list of activities you may do to pass the time and keep your pet from feeling like they’re in a mobile kennel.

4 Tips to Entertain Your Pet During a Long Trip


Talk to Your Pet

While talking with your pet may seem strange at first, the good thing is that they respond to their names and the sound of their owner’s voice. Consider how you communicate with your pets at home; you can do the same on the road.

Talking with your pet about where you’re headed and how much excitement you’ll have once you arrive is a wonderful way for both of you to pass the time. When you’re talking to your pet, keep repeating their name to keep both you and your pet entertained.

Take Breaks on Stops

The general rule of thumb for traveling with pets is to take a break every two hours (unless they need more frequent bathroom breaks), so your pet can relax and stretch its legs, go for a short walk and take a break from being confined in the car.

You can stop at open spaces where other people stop so your pet can meet and play with other pets on your way to your destination. After a long day of driving, make sure you secure pet-friendly lodging so you can provide your pet with a home-like environment.

Give Toys and Treats

Toys can keep your pet entertained for hours, so bring some of them together with your pet’s other necessities. If possible, get some new toys for your pet before the trip because new things excite them.

Comforting Your Pet

It’s important to make your pet as comfortable as possible throughout your road trip. So, before you get on the road, make your car feels like home.

If your SUV has a pet barrier, bring your pet’s bed from home to use as a resting place. Bring your pet’s crate and allow it to spend time in it if you don’t have a pet barrier. Crate-trained pets will love the convenience of having their own small home on the road.

Your cozy sweater will suffice if you don’t have a pet bed for your pet. This provides them comfort and some peace of mind because they feel like you’re hugging them.

You should also bring any blanket that your pet uses at home. The goal is to make the car seem and feel as close to its actual home as possible. While this may not be entertaining, it does make them happy. A happy pet on a long trip makes a happy pet owner.

Trusted Pet Transport Service

Make sure you have everything you’ll need for a fun trip and vacation with your four-legged companion. Your pet may not be used to traveling as much as you do. So, prepare them for the trip and allow them to enjoy it as much as you do.

If you’re on a budget but don’t want to sacrifice your pet’s comfort and safety, consider Pet Van Lines shared pet transportation that specializes in nationwide pet moving service. It allows your pet to share a comfortable, climate-controlled vehicle with another pet they’re sure to get along with. Contact us today at (832) 729 – 7192 or fill out our online form for a free quote.

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AUTHOR: Robert Adams
AUTHOR EMAIL: radams2006@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Pet Van Lines Website Contact
[1_Topic:] => Comments
[2_Name] => Robert Adams
[3_Email] => radams2006@gmail.com
[4_Phone] => 339912738
[5_Questions/Comments] => You have a nice website. Would you like us to make it even better FOR FREE? Five hours of free web development services. Find me on http://geekway.team?from=cf2
[entry_title] => Contact Pet Movers
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