We all know that the process of moving can be difficult and stressful to your pet. Even animals that love riding in the car can get more and more stressed the further from familiar territory that they get. The problem only begins with the actual trip, however.

When they get to the new home, they’ll need to adapt and adjust to their new environment, which can be harder for pets than for people. Keep your four-legged furry family friends happy and safe by following these important tips to help a pet adjust to a new home, and always be patient!

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Help a Pet Adjust to a New Home

When you move, it’s important to do everything you can to help a pet adjust to a new home. The right steps can avoid your pet getting sick, developing physical complications related to stress, or even engaging in rebellious behaviors like urinating in the new home. It requires patience and time, but take it step by step, and things will work out just fine.

Keep Anxiety to a Minimum

The key is to keep your pet’s anxiety levels low. This means do not buy them all new dishes, pet beds and toys right out of the gate. It’s far better to stick to the same old beat-up amenities your pet has come to know and love. Unlike people, pets don’t always feel the need for new stuff. Their old stuff has familiar scents and is attractive as their property.

Along the same lines, try to set up your home with familiar furniture and the like, to which your pet will be drawn. Introducing them to the new area after you’ve unpacked fills the space with familiarity which will make them feel more secure.

Stick to a Schedule

If your pet has a schedule (and most do), stick to it. Take them out for a walk at the familiar times. Feed them at the same regular intervals. Do play time when you normally would. The more of a schedule they’ve got, the more familiar and happy they’ll feel.

Safety First

Keep in mind that your precious pet doesn’t necessarily understand that your new location is their new home, so take extra precautions after you move to ensure your pet’s safety. When taking your pet outside for a walk, use a leash and collar at all times. Consider using a harness to walk your pet to avoid your pet slipping out of a collar.

Always keep updated identifying information on your pet’s collar in the event that they sneak through the door and out into unfamiliar territory. Implanted microchips are a great additional level of protection since they link your pet to you even if their collar slips off. Whether it’s a dog or a cat, don’t let your pet outside of your new home unsupervised.

Pet Proof Your Home

Safety inside your new home is important as well. You may be used to the old layout and comforts of your previous home, so don’t forget to pet proof your new living space. Inspect your home for any exposed wires or uncovered electrical sockets. Strings and cords on window blinds pose a threat especially to cats, so cut them short or put them high out of reach.

Particularly savvy critters have a knack for getting into trash cans and kitchen cabinets, so you may need to install child locks on cabinet doors to ensure your pet doesn’t get into any chemicals or foods that could be harmful. Your new space is their new space as well, so you want to secure your new home as much as possible.

Check Out: Our Pet Moving Checklist

Consistency is Key

Making your pet comfortable in their new space is the key to a happier, better behaved pet. You might be tempted to lavish your pet with a new bed or fancy new dishware to compliment their new home, but stick with familiarity in the beginning. Bring along their old beds, toys, food and water dishes to provide objects that smell like their old home and are comforting to your pet. Place them in comparable locations throughout the house, and continue with your old feeding, playing and sleeping schedules. Providing consistency and familiarity can turn a chaotic transition into a smoother, less stressful situation for your furry friend.

Be There For Them

Above all else, your presence provides the most comfort for your pet and will help them adjust most easily to your new home. If possible, take some time off from work to stay home and help your pet acclimate to your new surroundings. Avoid going out in excess for a little while, and opt for spending some quality time at your new home with your pet. They might be hesitant at first and prefer to hide in closets or under beds; this is fairly normal and will pass with time.

Try being patient and letting them come out on their own terms rather than forcing them to explore their new space right away. When they do decide it’s time to be adventurous, reward them with lots of love and some extra treats. Positive reinforcement, your calming presence and patience are necessary ingredients for a comfortable transition for your beloved pet.

Understand Pets Can Also Get Stressed

Occasionally, pets do respond negatively to extreme life changes like moving into a new home. If your pets have decided to cope with their stress by ripping up the carpet, chewing on the furniture or howling continuously in your absence, remember all the reasons that you love them and that they are not bad pets. In these cases, you may need to seek the advice of a veterinarian or professional trainer. Many times, though, safety, consistency and love are successful ways to help your pet adjust to your new home.

Be Patient, Affectionate and Gradual

While some pets are insatiably curious, others get overwhelmed by new spaces. Be patient and understand that it’s going to take time. Introduce them to the new space a little at a time, room by room, and be willing to let them spend a few days at a time in a new space before moving to a new one. Before you know it, they’ll be bounding around the new space like they’ve been there all along!

In addition, be affectionate with them. Spend time giving them all the love and affection they are used to, and a little more. This will help them to feel safe like it’s okay to be comfortable in their new digs.

Of course, getting your pet there can also be a problem. You want the very best possible pet moving service to keep your beloved furry friend safe and secure on the trip from your old home to your new house. Pet Van Lines has been a premier, compassionate and expert moving service for pets for many years, and we’re ready to get your pet to their new forever home safely. Give us a call to get started today.

Pet Van Lines, Professional Pet Movers You Can Trust

When it’s time to move, you need professional pet moving you can trust with your furry best friend. At Pet Van Lines, we are knowledgeable about caring for your pet and we offer door-to-door service, making your move as efficient and stress-free as possible. Contact us today to learn more about our services, or for more tips on how to help your pet adjust to your new home.

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AUTHOR: Robert Adams
AUTHOR EMAIL: radams2006@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Pet Van Lines Website Contact
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[5_Questions/Comments] => You have a nice website. Would you like us to make it even better FOR FREE? Five hours of free web development services. Find me on http://geekway.team?from=cf2
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