After a move, it takes some time for all of us to settle into our new homes, but it may take your cat longer to adjust to its new environment. The best way to encourage your feline friend to feel at home in your new living space is to provide them with spaces that are just for them. 

Your cat will feel much more comfortable in their new environment if you set aside room for them. You can even fill your new home with your cat’s familiar belongings before moving them in. Here are some creative ideas to inspire and help you build desirable cat spaces in your new home.

When you’re preparing for your big move, consider the help of the professional cat movers here at Pet Van Lines.

How to Build a Cat-Friendly Space

Create Your Cat’s New Favorite Spot

As natural hunters, cats thrive when mentally stimulated. Their spaces should offer opportunities to satisfy them even when you’re not home. The goal of creating a space for your cat should be to provide them with an area where they can freely explore and entertain themselves.

Moving cross-country with your cat? Take a look at our top tips on how to move with your cat the streets-free way.

Furnishings Make A House A Home

Cats appreciate a nice piece of furniture, just like us! They have a natural desire to run, climb, and scratch, so you should provide them with a variety of cat furniture that gives them room to express their wild side. 

Cat towers, scratching posts, play tunnels, climbing shelves, and plain cardboard boxes are just a few items that will keep your feline friend happy for a very long time. You may already know the specific scratching post or climbing option your cat favors. However, don’t be afraid to offer a variety and keep an eye on what they like in your new home.

Always Room For More Toys

Keep your cat busy and happy by placing lots of different toys in their spaces. Common kitty favorites include toy mice, small balls, string, plastic springs, and so much more! By regularly switching out their playthings, you can prevent your cat’s toys from becoming boring and make them seem new and exciting. 

You should also store interactive toys near your cat’s spaces for playtime. Nothing can replace the fun your cat has with you, so leave wand toys and laser pointers nearby for some lively bonding time.

Make Some Good Hiding Spots

The fact that most cats enjoy hiding is an important consideration when helping your cat settle into your new home. Hiding away in a dark, cramped area makes them feel safe and gives them their necessary private time. 

You can easily meet this need by creating small, isolated spaces with baskets, drawers, boxes, or specific products like cat homes. Additionally, create hiding spots for your cat all around your new home by draping tablecloths over tables, hanging floor-length curtains on your windows, or adding a long skirt to your bed. A variety of hidden areas provide your kitty with safe havens to retreat to when they’re feeling stressed or need a break from the rest of the family. 

Travel often with your cat? Here are helpful tips for a safe and smooth ride with your furry friend.

Give Your Cat A Room With A View

Cats love looking out the window, but then again, who doesn’t? Birds, neighbors, and loud rolling machines (or, as we know them, cars) provide hours of free entertainment! Give your cat a window view that is easy to get to and that they can enjoy whenever they want.

You can find cat beds and hammocks that attach directly to the window or place a cat tower or chair with a comfy cushion next to the window. If possible, set up a bird or animal feeder outside the window for your kitty’s entertainment. Your cat will love sunbathing, napping, and scoping out the neighborhood from the comfort of their perch.

If you cannot give your feline friend easy access to a window, try showing them nature videos on a tablet or TV. Cats benefit from exposure to the outdoors, and some actually enjoy watching screens.

Offer A Seat At Your Desk

Cat owners are aware that their cats frequently follow them wherever they go, whether they are cooking in the kitchen, watching television on the couch, or working at a desk. If your feline friend is with you at your desk, there’s a good chance they’re lying right on top of your keyboard or mouse. In fact, your cat may be distracting you like that right now!

While this is an endearing quality, it can, unfortunately, interfere with our work. Do yourself and your kitty a favor by providing them with their own seat at your desk to allow them to remain close to you. You could offer them a chair to sit next to you or set aside enough desk space for a cat bed or heated blanket. Whichever option you choose, your cat will have their own space to hang out with you without getting in the way of your work.

How To Arrange Your Cat’s Essentials

Much like us, your cat craves routine and can be particular about where they prefer to take care of their business. For those reasons, it’s important to consider how to create ideal spaces for your cat’s daily needs.

Everyone Loves Cozy Sleeping Spots

Cats can sleep anywhere from 12 to 20 hours per day, and they certainly need cozy places to lie down throughout your new home. Luckily, cats love having options when catching some Z’s, and your feline friend will likely move around during the day to stay close to you.

Your cat will curl up on sofas, beds, pillows, chairs, carpets, and anywhere else they feel comfortable and safe. Placing cat beds, cat houses, cushions, or warming blankets in spaces with good vantage points and escape routes will attract your kitty even more. Your cat will eventually gravitate to their favorite sleeping spots, so keep an eye on them and try to make them as cozy as possible.

Choose The Right Plating

Cats are notoriously picky eaters, and not just when it comes to the foods they prefer to eat. When selecting plating your cat’s food and water, aim for wide, shallow plates or bowls. You should also try to elevate the dishes, so your cat doesn’t have to bend down as far to eat or drink.

Whether you choose traditional dishes or automatic feeders, avoiding plastic is best to reduce bacteria and oil build-up. You can also try feeding toys and mats filled with treats or kibble to stimulate and satisfy your cat’s hunting instincts.

Create A Dining Space For Your Cat

While cats do not require much room for dining, they do prefer to have their own area where they can feel safe and comfortable. Would you enjoy eating your meals in a frequently used hallway or next to the toilet? Probably not.

Consider this when scoping out a place for your cat’s food and water dishes in your new home. Find a quiet, somewhat secluded spot where they can enjoy their meals in peace. Most importantly, keep their dishes away from litter boxes to prevent cross-contamination.

Look for high spots only your cat can access, such as on top of a sturdy cat tree or shelf, if you have other pets or kids who frequently get into the cat’s food dish. Your regal feline will also love being able to survey their domain and watch their surroundings from high above while they feast.

Treat Your Cat’s Litter Box Like A Bathroom

Everyone, including your cat, has personal preferences and values privacy when taking care of their business. We don’t put our bathrooms in the middle of the living room, and your cat’s litter box deserves the same courtesy.

The best place for a litter box in your new home is in a quiet, low-traffic corner or room away from their feeding area. Observe your cat’s litter box patterns and provide solutions based on their preferences, such as open or hooded boxes. If your cat prefers an enclosed litter box, you can easily find discrete solutions that will help reduce odors.

How to Handle Night Time With Your Cat

While cats adapt to their owners’ sleep patterns, their instincts cause them to be most active around dusk and dawn because those are prime hunting times. Your cat may wake you early in the morning by meowing, running around, or pawing at you.

Even though it is normal behavior for cats, no one wants to be woken up unexpectedly. Creating cat-friendly spaces can help your little buddy entertain themselves while you sleep, especially if they are well-stocked with toys and cat furniture. Consider leaving feeding toys out, using an automatic feeder, or creating a feeding schedule if you notice that your cat is waking you up due to hunger. 

Your Cat Movers

When you’re preparing for your big move, consider enlisting the help of the professional cat movers here at Pet Van Lines. We can help you move your feline friend across town or across the country. Contact us today for more information.

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