Our pets are more than just our best friends; they’re also our roommates and our family. We live together, exercise together, binge-watch TV shows together and even sleep together. They are there for us constantly, always ready to reciprocate our love for them. Let them know that you care for them by creating safe space for your pet in your new home to make sure they are happy and comfortable after a move.

Home Furnishings

One of the first things you’ll want to consider when creating a safe space for your pet is the fabrics used in the carpets, rugs and furniture. You’ll want materials that are comfortable for both you and your pet, but you’ll also want to explore pet-friendly materials that are less likely to stain or accumulate fur.

Avoid delicates like silk and velvet, and opt instead for more resistant crypton, leather, sisal, jute or seagrass. Deliberately selecting materials like this allows you to create a safe space for your pet as well as style your home to your particular tastes.

Dining Atmosphere

We all know what it’s like to endure an unpleasant dining experience. People hustling by too close for comfort, getting bumped or having food spilled on you, music blaring so loud your other senses come to a halt — this is not the atmosphere in which we want to enjoy a nice meal. Similarly, your pet’s surroundings at mealtime are going to affect their dining pleasure.

When considering where to set up your pet’s new eating space, look for spots that are out of the way of foot traffic. This will prevent you or someone else from tripping over your pet’s dishes, and it will also allow your pet to dine in peace. Eating is a vulnerable time since they are engrossed in their food and therefore less vigilant of their surroundings. Help them feel safe by choosing a quiet, secluded dining area for them.

Lay Me Down To Sleep

Many pet parents allow their furbabies to sleep in their beds with them at night, but it is also common for other pets to have their own designated beds when it’s time to go night-night. The most common pet beds are cute, yet gaudy, compiliations of colors, fabrics and cushions. Take the time to find or build a bed for your pet that suits their sleepy time needs as well as your aesthetic ideals.

Just like us, pets need comfort and relaxation in order to have a restful night’s sleep. Consider the position of different rooms in your home to locate potential sleeping areas for your pet. Where would you want to set up your own bed? Certainly not near a door or against a wall that is parallel to a noisy street. It might take a few tries to find the ideal sleeping place for your pet, but you’ll definitely know once you do.

A Place For Everything…

After being the proud parent of a pet for a period of time, your home can begin to feel cramped and cluttered with your pet’s belongings. Try to keep designated areas for certain objects. Try hanging up suitable hooks or knobs near your doorway that can hold your coat, your umbrella and your dog’s leash and harness. This way, poor Fluffy won’t have to cross her legs waiting for you to find her leash to take her out.

…And Everything In Its Place

Toys can also get out of control as they are left on the floor throughout the house just waiting to trip someone on their way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Find a storage space or appealing baskets or containers that can hold your pet’s toys while they are not in use.

You can also incorporate your pet’s belongings into your household. For example, a bookshelf with the appropriate materials fixed to its sides can double as a cat scratcher. Litter boxes can be hidden away in strategically carved end-tables or cabinets. Even aforementioned objects like food dishes, beds, leash hooks and toy baskets can be stylish additions to your home if incorporated creatively.

Contact Pet Van Lines When You’re Ready to Make Your Move

The expert pet movers at Pet Van Lines are eager to help you relocate your pet to their new safe space. Contact us when you’re ready to start planning your big move.

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AUTHOR: Robert Adams
AUTHOR EMAIL: radams2006@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Pet Van Lines Website Contact
[1_Topic:] => Comments
[2_Name] => Robert Adams
[3_Email] => radams2006@gmail.com
[4_Phone] => 339912738
[5_Questions/Comments] => You have a nice website. Would you like us to make it even better FOR FREE? Five hours of free web development services. Find me on http://geekway.team?from=cf2
[entry_title] => Contact Pet Movers
[entry_permalink] => https://www.petvanlines.com/pet-moving-services-contact/
[feedback_id] => bcb2e22894a92d658e265dec1a1c95f7