Leaving your pet behind when you travel or move is a heart-wrenching experience for you and your best friend. While certain situations may mean leaving them behind is the best option, taking your pet with you is generally the more favorable option for you and especially your pet. If you’re moving or traveling with pets in the summer, here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind.

Make a Checklist

When you’re planning a summertime move or vacation, one of the first things you can do is make a checklist or a to-do list to make sure you don’t forget anything. Plan ahead, and look up the weather and temperature of your route and destination so you know what to expect before you get on the road or in the air.

Make a packing list especially for your pet’s belongings, including a few of  their favorite toys, treats, food and water dishes for the car, a first-aid kit, medications and plenty of food and water. Keeping water on hand is important year-round, but it can be a life-saver for your pet during the hotter summer months.

Talk to Your Vet Before You Leave

Many vaccine and preventative health recommendations are based on location and vary by region. Talk to your vet a few months in advance, and let them know where you are planning on going and when. Your vet should be able to tell you if your pet will need any additional care or medications such as tests, vaccinations, heartworm prevention or flea and tick protection.

If you’re flying to your destination, you may also need to get a health certificate that allows your pet to travel. Health certificate regulations vary depending on airline and the places you are visiting, so talk to you airline ahead of time too to see what their requirements are for traveling with pets.

Make Sure Your Pet’s ID Info is Current

Moving and traveling with pets is unfortunately the number one way that leads to lost and missing pets. Avoid this tragedy by making sure all of their identification is up to date. Check to make sure that their ID tags are securely fastened onto their collar or harness. You can also ask your vet to implant a microchip underneath your pet’s skin. It doesn’t act like a GPS, but it does provide your contact information when someone scans it. The large amounts of people transporting their pets in the summer makes it one of the busiest times of the year at airports and travel destinations, and it’s all too easy for your little loved one to get separated and lost.

Stick to Your Regular Schedule

The phrase “regular schedule” doesn’t really go along with the words “moving” and “traveling.” While this may be great for you since it gives you a break from the regular humdrum of everyday life, it can be unsettling and stressful for your precious pets. Try sticking to their normal feeding and walking schedule as much as possible. You can even take longer walks or engage in longer play times if you’re up for it. Providing your pet with as much attention as you can will provide much needed comfort and will hopefully tucker them out and keep the anxiety at bay.

Moving or Traveling with Pets in the Summer with Pet Van Lines

Here at Pet Van Lines, your pet’s health and comfort are our top priorities. Contact us if you’re moving or traveling with pets in the summer to see how we can help make your experience as stress-free as we can.

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AUTHOR: Robert Adams
AUTHOR EMAIL: radams2006@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Pet Van Lines Website Contact
[1_Topic:] => Comments
[2_Name] => Robert Adams
[3_Email] => radams2006@gmail.com
[4_Phone] => 339912738
[5_Questions/Comments] => You have a nice website. Would you like us to make it even better FOR FREE? Five hours of free web development services. Find me on http://geekway.team?from=cf2
[entry_title] => Contact Pet Movers
[entry_permalink] => https://www.petvanlines.com/pet-moving-services-contact/
[feedback_id] => bcb2e22894a92d658e265dec1a1c95f7