It’s your first time travelling long distance with your dog. It could be for on overdue vacation. Or maybe you’re relocating to Florida. Either way, if you have a four-legged friend, you want to make sure that they’ll be comfortable throughout the trip. As an expert in pet transport services, we answer your most pressing questions.

Exploring Dog Movement in Florida

If you’re flying into one of Florida’s cities and you want to take your dog with you, it would seem like the easiest way to bring your pet is to have them join your flight. It isn’t as simple as buying an extra seat for them, though. If this is your first time considering the idea, here are some things you have to keep in mind.

Is there an age requirement for dogs to fly in Florida?

If you’re traveling within Florida, you don’t have to worry about pet requirements except that all dogs 4 months and older require a current rabies vaccination. If you’re traveling interstate, your pet must be at least 3 months old and have proof of vaccination from a licensed veterinarian.

Can you buy your dog a seat on the plane?

Most airlines only allow dogs that are over 4 months old into an airplane. Keep in mind, however, that most airlines wouldn’t let passengers buy plane tickets for their dogs. Small dogs might be able to stay in their carriers as hand-carry luggage. Larger dogs will likely stay in the cargo hold.

Which airline is the pet-friendliest?

All airlines that allow dogs on their flights will do their best to look after your pet. But you will need to contact them as early as possible to arrange the travel details. Your chosen airline might require a health certificate or a certificate of acclimation which you can get from your local veterinarian.

dog outdoors

How else can I get my dog to Florida?

If you’re not comfortable with the idea of your pet being locked inside their carrier throughout the entire plane ride, or if you can’t have peace of mind knowing that your pet is traveling in the belly of the plane, you might consider ground transportation for your four-legged friend instead.

Exploring Other Animal Transport Services

Pet Van Lines understands that moving across the country can be particularly challenging when you have a pet. We make it easier for you through our reliable dog transport service.

If an airline company won’t accept your dog on their flight, or if you’d prefer not to have your dog join you on a long-haul flight, you can opt for ground transportation. Our pet-loving drivers take your pet to where they need to be in a climate-controlled SUV or minivan. We also offer cross-country Fly and Drive services that transport both your pet and your car to your next destination. Request a free quote today.

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AUTHOR: Robert Adams
SUBJECT: Pet Van Lines Website Contact
[1_Topic:] => Comments
[2_Name] => Robert Adams
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[5_Questions/Comments] => You have a nice website. Would you like us to make it even better FOR FREE? Five hours of free web development services. Find me on
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